Monthly Traffic
What do hosting providers imply by saying ?monthly traffic??
Whenever any information is uploaded to a cloud hosting account or downloaded using it, some web site traffic is generated which is an attribute that each hosting plan includes. It's also among the attributes you should check out, as how much site traffic allowance you'll need is dependent upon what exactly you need the account for. The site traffic is generally produced by downloads which includes site visits. In simple terms, when someone opens your web site, the webpages are downloaded from the server on their computer and they are subsequently shown by their internet browser. It's also important to be aware that uploads are considered as well, and if you back up bigger files from your computer to the server, some traffic will be generated too. Different suppliers may have different names for this specific feature, like traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, but they all apply to the very same thing - the total amount of incoming & outgoing information generated for a period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting
All our
Linux cloud packages are appropriate for any kind of small-scale or medium-sized website or even a larger variety of websites. Considering that you can host a lot of domain names in a single account, we've designed the plans in a way so as to supply you with all the options you'll need. No matter if you own a private portfolio website or an e-commerce web site, our monthly traffic quota that your website can use won't ever be a setback. Thus, you'll have the chance to broaden your worldwide web presence and acquire a lot of new website visitors without worrying about getting to a limit. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel will provide you with detailed information related to the traffic usage to and from your account, which will enable you to control your sites and the account more effectively. You will be able to view hourly, daily and monthly figures, the website traffic produced by each individual domain and by the account as a whole, the most downloaded files, etc.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All our semi-dedicated server plans can host a number of resource-demanding sites since they come with a great deal of computing power. Such web sites quite often generate a lot of website traffic and for that reason we've made the decision not to limit this characteristic. Using a
semi-dedicated server, you can have as many site visitors as you are able to get without worrying that you'll get to some restriction for the traffic they will generate. For your benefit, you will be able to keep track of what's going on in your account as we'll provide hourly, daily and monthly numbers for the web site traffic your web sites generate. Thus, you will be informed on how they operate at any time. You will even be able to check out which web page or file has produced the most traffic for each web site hosted in your semi-dedicated server account.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Web Hosting
With a
dedicated server, you'll have a very efficient hosting product at your disposal and the traffic allowance that you will get suits the rest of the characteristics. The server will be able to generate terabytes of site traffic monthly, therefore whatever the kind or amount of sites that you host, you will never have to worry about them being inaccessible as a result of inadequate website traffic. To be on the safe side though, we will give you the opportunity to upgrade this feature if needed. We'll inform you well in advance when you get close to the restriction, so that you'll have the option to upgrade or reduce your site traffic by optimizing your data and avoid any interruption of the work of your sites. You'll be able to keep track of the consumed and remaining traffic for the current month from the control panel that we supply. The data there features all of the incoming & outgoing transfers, which includes software setups and updates. In comparison, a hosting Control Panel offers more detailed data, but only for the website traffic to and from a web host account, not your server as a whole.