An error log is an in depth report of the warnings and error messages which visitors came across whilst they were browsing your Internet site. This is the raw info that the server has generated and it may help you find potential issues with your website and handle them in a timely manner, in order to enhance the site’s performance and to increase the users’ full satisfaction. You can find many things within an error log - the time when the error showed up, the exact path to the file that the site visitor can't access, the IP address the request came from, and the reason why this request could not be processed. There are lots of reasons for your site visitors to see an error message - a link which leads to a non-existent file, a script site that cannot be processed in the correct way by the server, a site access attempt by a blocked IP address, etc.
Error Log Viewer in Cloud Hosting
The error logs are part of every cloud hosting which we provide. You are able to switch on the feature separately for each domain name or subdomain inside the account through the Access/Error Logs section of our impressive Hepsia hosting CP. This shall take literally just one click and you will be able to download virtually any log produced by our system as quickly. When you no longer require logs, you'll be able to deactivate them, again with simply a click from the same exact section, but even after that, you will still be able to get the already gathered information for the particular Internet site. The interface that Hepsia has is very intuitive, so the only two buttons you will have to press are On/Off and Download. The raw info could be imported in an app set up on your personal computer for much easier analysis, to permit you to resolve any problems your websites could have much easier.
Error Log Viewer in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You shall be able to produce error logs for any Internet site that you host inside a semi-dedicated server account on our sophisticated web hosting platform. This feature can be activated via the Hepsia Control Panel. As you log in and navigate to the Access/Error Logs section, you will simply have to click on the On button for the domain name or subdomain that you need, since all of the domains/subdomains you have hosted/created within the account will be listed there. You'll be able to activate the error logs separately for every site, so you shall be able to keep track only of the ones you want. Clicking once again on the very same button will disable the error log generation. You will also find a Download link within the same exact section, so you shall be able to save the info produced by the server and, if necessary, run it through some software on your computer to get user-friendly charts and to correct any potential problems on your Internet site a lot easier.