A ticketing system is the most common medium of correspondence that hosting providers offer to their clients. It’s usually part of the billing account and is the fastest way to resolve an issue that requires a certain period of time to investigate or that needs to be forwarded to a sysadmin. Thus, all comments added by either side will be stored in the same place in case somebody else wants to work on the given issue and the info in the ticket will be available to all parties. The negative aspect of deploying a ticketing system with most hosting platforms is that it is not integrated into the web hosting Control Panel, which suggests that you’ll have to log in and out of no less than 2 accounts to carry out a given procedure or to touch base with the hosting company’s tech support staff. If you wish to administer a number of domain names and each one is hosted in a separate account, you’ll have to use even more accounts simultaneously. Moreover, it may take a substantial amount of time for the provider to process your ticket requests.
Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Hosting
Our Linux cloud packages include an integrated ticketing system, which is an integral part of our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel. As opposed to other similar tools, Hepsia enables you to manage everything related to the web hosting service itself in the exact same place – payments, web files, e-mails, trouble tickets, etc., avoiding the necessity to use different admin consoles. In the event that you’ve got any technical or pre-sales questions or any problems, you can post a ticket with a few clicks of the mouse without having to sign out of your Control Panel. In the meantime, you can select a category and our system will offer you a variety of help articles, which will supply you with additional info and which may help you fix any particular issue even before you actually open a ticket. We guarantee a response time of maximum sixty minutes, even in case it is a weekend or a public holiday.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, was developed with one goal in mind – that you should be able to manage everything associated with your semi-dedicated server account from one single place and the support tickets make no exception. Our ticketing system is incorporated into the Hepsia Control Panel, so, if you have a question or encounter a predicament, you can get in touch with our client support team members instantaneously without needing to sign in to a completely different admin console. You can browse through your files or check a variety of settings within your account while you send a new ticket or read the answer to an older one. If you’ve got multiple tickets and you wish to track down a given one, you can use the intelligent search box, which is available in the Help section. We guarantee that you’ll get a reply in less than 1 hour regardless of the essence of your question or problem.